Thursday, February 11, 2010

My new running shoes have ten toes

No - I don't mean I put my ten toes into them. The shoes themselves have toes. Check 'em out!
I got these in the mail last night... and my daughter promptly grabbed them and went stomping around the house like a wacky miniature Bigfoot.
Bare feet. Snowy cobblestones. They just don't go well together. I think my new Vibram FiveFingers KSO's may well bridge the gap. Think of them as "gloves for your feet." A thin, tough layer of rubber on the bottom, "caps" to protect the toesies from the sharp edges of cobblestones and other debris and a strap to keep them on. Cool!
So cool, in fact that Wired Magazine (the online magazine for geeks) reviewed the Vibram FiveFingers, calling them "the geekiest shoes in the entire universe." Take a look:
We got another inch of snow last night here in Prague (on top of month-old ice), so I took the FiveFingers for a test run on the treadmill today. Two miles... no blisters. I like this!
In the past couple weeks, I've been working on two things. First - I'm adjusting my running style away from a typical shod "heel strike" to a "barefoot-like" forefoot/midfoot strike. Second, I'm working on exercises to strengthen my calves and ankles (here's a great set of exercises to try). I have to admit - the sight of a an odd-looking American doing ankle-raises on the tram does actually attract more than a couple curious stares. But things are getting better - I've been ratcheting up the "barefoot-like" miles, and my calves, though still sore, don't feel like they've been hit by a baseball any more. Progress!
Now if only this snow & ice would melt off a bit so I can take my toes on the road again!

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